Which Articles have helped shape your perspective ?
Buried within the 730-page Inflation Reduction Act that Congress recently passed is a dizzying array of proposals that directly and indirectly impact the
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Explore what we need to do to reach net zero carbon in the built environment.
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Understanding group dynamics and how team-building, when done correctly, can dramatically improve workplace efficiency.
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How can you measure your building's carbon emissions and who owns the carbon? We offer a simple guide on the three scopes of emissions and ways to divide the ownership, underscoring the need for good data.
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Working in close range led to knowledge-sharing and faster innovation, a study finds.
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Cubicles are largely empty in downtown San Francisco and Midtown Manhattan, but workers in America’s midsize and small cities are back to their commutes.
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The SEC’s draft regulation would require all public companies to disclose emissions and risks related to their real estate. Here’s why the real-estate industry should move preemptively.
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Companies today should build workplaces that help them realize their strategies. Here’s why and how.
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We must update not just our workplaces but the mindset that leads them.
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As we redesign work for the hybrid future, it is vital to understand the ways that information flows and networks form within organizations.
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The globe-trotting lifestyle will be open only to a lucky few
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A hybrid-work challenge: taking attendance.
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It promises to bring new levels of social connectedness, mobility, and collaboration to a world of virtual work.
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“Companies need to think through what, exactly, they want to accomplish by bringing people back and why,” workplace expert Elise Freedman says.
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Nearly 75% of professionals tell Korn Ferry that a return to the office will be negative for their mental health. With the pandemic fading, leaders have their work cut out for them.
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Cheap and easy to make, concrete is a favorite building material around the world, with 30 billion metric tons used each year. But the cement industry accounts for 7 percent of global carbon emissions, spurring a research race to design more sustainable building materials, be it more eco-friendly concrete or enhanced wood materials.
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For over thirty years, progressive office thinking has been shaped by the ideas and lexicon of Dr Francis Duffy, writes Rob Harris
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Companies have mastered the art of unnecessary interactions. Winning in the next normal requires much more focus on true collaboration.
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The Biden administration is launching a new partnership with two states and several cities aimed at reducing planet-warming emissions from buildings.
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If firms want people to return to offices they’ll have to do something special. BHP chose to create the best office in the world
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New survey data sheds light on three key reasons.
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An office building made with cross-laminated timber in Tokyo, Japan. (Shutterstock) Meike Siegner, Ryerson University and Cory Searcy, Ryerson University In 2020, the extraction, transport and manufacturing of materials for the building sector accounted for 10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. If buildings are to make meaningful contributions to keeping global temperature rise to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels, limiting emissions from building materials is crucial. To achieve this objective, engineered versions of age-old building technologies, like wood, straw or bamboo, are critical. These bio-based building materials generally demand less energy in manufacturing and have the ability to
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November 2021
Tim Oldman – Founder & CEO, Leesman
Reading time – 7 mins
Home vs office: let the battle commence
It’s time to address the failings in the home vs office debate. Organisations would do better to
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Oh, the dreaded open office layout. Most people that actually work in an open office have a complaint at the tip of their tongue because open offices are
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Workplaces need fresh air, not foosball tables and coffee bars.
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