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The Global COVID-19 Pandemic is expected to act as a catalyst for transformational change upending business models everywhere. Whilst limited supply and predictable demand have helped protect the Property Industry from widespread disruption, a fundamental reorientation of the value chain may be on the horizon as the Industry reforms around the ultimate customers of commercial space, i.e. Corporate Occupiers (who are challenged with demands to support increasingly fluid business models whilst also improving operational efficiency) and their employees (who after working by themselves during the pandemic are now pondering whether their alternative workplace destination is worth the journey).

This series of thought leadership article explores some of the challenges and opportunities which are likely to arise as corporate occupiers prepare for what the World Economic Forum has defined as ‘The Great Reset’ ahead (move to an all-digital, work-from-anywhere world).

Entries in this blog

Reimaging the Workplace as an Information Business

The turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic years has forced a rethink across the world of work and exposed the Property Industry to a world of innovative disruption.  Whilst limited supply and predictable demand have historically limited the impact of innovative disruption, a fundamental reorientation of the value chain may be on the horizon as asset managers and asset owners start to reshape business practices in recognition that tomorrow’s value creation needs to be fundamentally aligned with t

Software is Eating our Workplaces

The Global COVID-19 Pandemic is expected to act as a catalyst for transformational change upending business models everywhere. Whilst limited supply and predictable demand have helped protect the Property Industry from widespread disruption, a fundamental reorientation of the value chain may be on the horizon as the Industry reforms around the ultimate customers of commercial space, i.e. Corporate Occupiers (who are challenged with demands to support increasingly fluid business models whilst als

Reimagination Opportunities in a Disruptive World

The Global COVID-19 Pandemic is expected to act as a catalyst for transformational change upending business models everywhere. Whilst limited supply and predictable demand have helped protect the Property Industry from widespread disruption, a fundamental reorientation of the value chain may be on the horizon as the Industry reforms around the ultimate customers of commercial space, i.e. Corporate Occupiers (who are challenged with demands to support increasingly fluid business models whilst als

The Occupier World is Changing

The Global COVID-19 Pandemic is expected to act as a catalyst for transformational change upending business models everywhere. Whilst limited supply and predictable demand have helped protect the Property Industry from widespread disruption, a fundamental reorientation of the value chain may be on the horizon as the Industry reforms around the ultimate customers of commercial space, i.e. Corporate Occupiers (who are challenged with demands to support increasingly fluid business models whilst als

Has the Covid-19 crisis revealed the Blueprint for a new Virtual, Distributed Workforce ?

The Global COVID-19 Pandemic is expected to act as a catalyst for transformational change upending business models everywhere. Whilst limited supply and predictable demand have helped protect the Property Industry from widespread disruption, a fundamental reorientation of the value chain may be on the horizon as the Industry reforms around the ultimate customers of commercial space, i.e. Corporate Occupiers (who are challenged with demands to support increasingly fluid business models whilst als
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